Got yourself a new HVR4000? But it doesn't appear to work correctly under MythTV?
Problem is the latest v4l driver drivers are a little broken in kernels up to and including lucid (2.6.32). Kernel 2.6.33 apparently works fine, not running it here yet...
On my test box I'm now running the beta release of Mythbuntu 10.04.
update, 18/5/2010 new version of drivers following script updated
unzip -jo Driver88/hcw88bda.sys
sudo dd if=hcw88bda.sys of=/lib/firmware/dvb-fe-cx24116- skip=105768 bs=1 count=32674
sudo ln -s /lib/firmware/dvb-fe-cx24116- /lib/firmware/dvb-fe-cx24116.fw
v4l driver:
add repository deb karmic universe main restricted multiverse
update, 18/5/2010 new version of drivers 20100517 following script updated accordingly
sudo su
apt-get install build-essential
apt-get install mercurial cvs subversion libncurses-dev
cd /usr/local/src
hg clone
cd v4l-dvb-20100517
cd linux/include/linux
ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`/include/linux/compiler.h ./
cd ../../../
make menuconfig
After the make menu config completes, navigate you way down through the following menus. and disable FireDTV and FloppyDTV.
-->Multimedia Support -> DVB/ATSC adapters -> disable FireDTV and FloppyDTV. Otherwise the compiling will fail
make install
depmod -a
All done tuning on DVB-T now works. With my AMD XP2500 processor and the 10.04 version HD channels still skip, SD looks great, ETI data updating in the program schedule, and no major crashes in my limited testing. Unfortunately no nVidia graphics card in this box, but it is only the test machine...